
The hands-on software for passionate CW and SSB contesters. It contains the world-unique synthesized voice keyer.
No need to record anything into your voice keyer!

New: easiest way to connect a modern Icom transceiver


Spider Keyer, the cheap, yet a very mature
interface for the highest demands:
Spider Keyer Kit, use the kit to build
a professionally looking result:

Full-flesh interface for HamRacer for
SSB mode (AF path):

Null Keyer - the most simple interface to provide CW keying and PTT control.


Tom, KC0W: Super easy to use & understand. Very intuitive. I glanced over the manual after I had already been using the program for 45 minutes or so.
Layne, AE1N: Your software has the promise of a breakthough in Ham Radio SSB contesting...
Marty, W8AKS: Happy, am I happy, see the footprints on the ceiling! Beautiful job!  This has been needed for a long time. ... This puts the fun back into SSB contesting for me.
Mike DH6JL/DK6M: It is a wonderful tool when the family sleeps and i'd like to make some talks to friends via air. The free type/talk option is a nice way to talk with people and keep the rooms quiet.

Download HamRacer - latest version

*  Download the file Setup_HamRacer1.zip
*  Unzip the file
*  Run Setup_HamRacer1.exe to install the software. You need to run the installer "as Administrator".

Any questions? Join the group on the Facebook

Videos showing usage in contests:

Can a dumb radioamateur take part in SSB contest? CQ WW DX SSB 2017 - without a microphone!
HamRacer Synergy (interconnecting two HamRacers via LAN) One Exciting Night with Zira
Using HamRacer and Spider Keyer in a HF CW contest    

Versions History

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