I Used to Be a Radioofficer on Ocean-going Ships

Me aboard m/s Berounka, 1990

Me aboard m/s Trinec, July 7th, 1997
Ships I have served on (QRA, C/S, flag, BRT, embarkation/disembarkation):
m/s Mir, OLGP, Czechoslovakia, 9651, 17/6/1988 to 17/2/1989
m/s Radhost, OLGC, Czechoslovakia, 5100, 12/4/1989 to 10/12/1989
m/s Berounka, OLGI, Czechoslovakia, 6425, 13/3/1990 to 29/10/1990
m/s Tatry, OLGA, Czechoslovakia, 35350, 29/4/1991 to 24/1/1992
m/s Zilina, OMMG, Slovakia, 6425, 5/3/1996 to 16/10/1996
m/s Trinec, 9HDQ5, Malta, 20108, 24/6/1997 to 13/1/1998


m/s Trinec
Sunset at the Red sea
Countries visited (chronologically):
Poland, FRG, The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Yugoslavia, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Democratic Yemen, India, Austria, Sweden, Turkey, Northern Yemen, Algeria, France, RSA, China, Hong Kong, Canada, USA, Thailand, Taiwan, Nothern Korea, Indonesia, Australia, Singapore, Finland, Portugal, Brasil, Argentina, Mallorca, Great Britain.


Allmost the whole crew aboard m/s Trinec.
Click for large image.

One of many shore-passes. This one is for Argentina.
Click for large image.


Radio-room m/s Mir
Radioroom m/s Mir
Radio-room m/s Radhost
Radioroom m/s Radhost
Radio-room m/s Berounka
Radioroom m/s Zilina


See other photos from ships:
m/s Trinec >
m/s Zilina >

See Distress Messages >

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