Icom IC-740
AF Filter 100 Hz wide @ 700 Hz
The narrower filter for CW on 455 kHz is 250 Hz wide in my IC-740. Yet, sometimes one needs even narrower passband to pick the only one station from a pile-up. The AF filter can fit this task.
There is no button on the front panel that could be used for this extra filter. As it makes very little use to switch on the NOTCH filter on CW mode, the logic was slighly changed. On CW mode, the NOTCH button sets the AF filter, on all the other modes it sets the notch filter as usual.
The final pass curve of the
The curve was taken from the
Spectrogram application running on PC. The sound was fed to the
sound card. This means that the curve is not much accurate,
In spite of this it shows how sharp and steep the filter is, at